目錄 | Content |
背景 成立基金 三年簡報 捐助款項 籌款活動 陸耀輝的故事 | Background Announcement 3-Year Summary Making Donation Fundraising Activities Story of Joy Luk |

基金設有銀行户口接收捐款,獨立於本會經常活動的收支户口。本會所有人員均為義工,無償付出時間精力,基金所得捐款全數 100% 用於支援流亡加拿大尋求新生活的香港人。由於基金會持續運作,因此並無定下籌款目標,希望社區各界能持續地伸出援手,有錢出錢、有力出力,令基金的工作能不斷地有效進行,令更多人受惠。
三年過去,透過「人道援助基金」得到支援的人士,我們非常感恩看到他們在加拿大安定下來,重啟新生活。所有難民申請個案,喜訊都在提交後18個月內獲得,有個別申請更在12個月內完成,絕大多數成功個案僅需通過文件審查,無需面見法官。 截至2024年2月撰寫本報告時,所有個案均已成功完成審批,沒有一宗被拒。對於非政治庇護的申請個案,本會都能夠協助所有申請者獲得他們所申請的簽證。所有個案的成功實應歸功於法律團隊,團隊成員均由經驗豐富且享有盛譽的移民或人權律師帶領,本會及所有手足感謝團隊律師在繁忙的工作中抽空為各人作出專業協助,詳細分析每宗個案重點為申請人辨理手續。

以下自 2020 年 12 月宣布基金成立以的總結:
截至 2024年 1月 31日 | |
捐款收益 | C$200,510 |
資助及開支 | C$195,185 |
可動用結餘 | C$5,325 |
受助人士共計 | 41 |
以上捐助金額並不包括實物捐贈如傢俬、和免費或扣減的住宿提供。若以市價計算,捐助總額將會更高。 |

捐款也包括 C$21,401 來自 Ricker Choi 為基金募集善款的公開拍賣及私人銷售畫作、發售的2022年月曆和其他物品。民運會支持者亦有捐贈或提供籌款義賣物品,透過網店《香港多得你》出售後,籌得 C$9,184 同樣捐往基金。
民運會特別嗚謝發展商 O’Shanter Development 提供免費及折扣的出租大廈單位數個供手足棲身,這些捐助的市場價格當以萬元計,並無加入報告列出的金額當中。O’Shanter Development 一向熱心公益,為迫切需要的難民提供居所已經持續多年,是不折不扣的良心企業。

- Interac eTransfer: 只適用於加拿大銀行户口轉帳加元
收款人電郵地址 [email protected] (已啟動自動過戶) PayPal : 使用信用咭(毋須 PayPal 户口)
請按捐款截圖捐助加元或用此連結捐助美元- 支票或滙票: 註明《多倫多香港人道援助基金》
抬頭: Toronto Association for Democracy in China
郵寄: TADC, PO Box 90594, Cedar Heights, Scarborough, Ontario M1H3G7
加元或美元款額的支票或匯票必須為加拿大銀行接受 - 電滙:請用電郵通知滙款安排
Account Holder: Toronto Association for Democracy in China
Bank: Bank of Montreal
Institution: 001
Branch: 25592
Account: 1984566(捐助加元)
Account: 4768294(捐助美元)
如有加拿大銀行户口,使用 Interac e-Transfer 捐助加元可免卻雙方銀行的手續費。世界各地可以加元及美元捐助。若使用 PayPal 或電滙捐款,請加上 PayPal 向本會收取的手續費或銀行扣除的 $40 電滙費。

基金展開籌款活動時承蒙藝術家 Ricker Choi 的落力支持。Ricker Choi 多材多藝,他是一位有非凡造藝的鋼琴演奏家,繪畫亦別樹一格。相信大家在不同途徑已經欣賞過他關於這場香港抗爭運動的畫作,好評一致公認。他更將一幅栩栩如生的周庭頭像畫作義賣,獲得《大家好茶餐廳》慷慨地以C$2000元購買,扣除開支後得益成為「人道援助基金」的第一筆捐款。
Ricker 又揀選了五幅原創作品公開拍賣,為基金籌得 C$3762。在此感謝五名善長慷慨解囊,也多謝曾落標競投的每一位,及網店《香港多得你》提供免費交易平台作拍賣。
不久後 Ricker 把數幅作品私下售與有心人,亦複印數幅作品與鋼琴演奏樂曲錄音及他改編的樂譜義賣,於2021年底又推出2022年月曆,扣除開支後共捐出 C$15,839 往基金。本會對 Ricker 的熱心付出致以衷心感謝。

- 敲鐘者言:朱耀明牧師回憶錄
- June 4 T-shirt 六四紀念T-恤
- Hong Kong Black Bauhinia Cap
- Hong Kong Add Oil Tattoo 香港加油紋身貼紙
- Free HK Flag 光時大旗
- Free HK Car Flag 光時車旗
- “Seeds of Freedom” + Tag 自由之籽帆布袋 + 掛牌
- 願憬明信片 Vision Postcards
- Glory To Hong Kong Postcard 榮光歸香港明信片
Revolution of Our Times video disc《時代革命》光碟《香港秘密行動》楊威利修著

正值 2019 年香港反送中示威運動最熾熱的期間,你應該不時在片段見到警察和抗爭者對峙的中間出現一位盲人。香港第一位也是唯一一位失明律師陸耀輝 Joy Luk 正在緩和緊張冲突,並為手足在被捕時向他們提供法律建議。儘管警方沒有對她提出任何起訴,她卻多次因協助抗爭者受到警察騷擾和侮辱。警方的無理行為在抗議現場及其他地方繼續纏繞至運動後期,滋擾着她的正常生活,令她感覺到人身安全受到威脅。
本會得到 O’Shanter Development 於一處理想地點免費提供居住單位,有人捐贈傢俬及生活用品使單位成為一個家,更且有人奉獻寶貴時間輪流當值照顧她剛到埗的生活起居。2021年1月《多倫多星報》及《星島日報》在她抵達多倫多兩個月後為她作出深入報導,社會各界的支持隨即從加拿大、美國和世界各地湧入。許多人向人道基金捐款用以支持我們去幫助更多陸續到達的手足,有些人將捐款指明用於支持陸小姐的生活費、醫藥開支及從香港運送個人物品和醫療設備的運費。本會將她推薦給多倫多都會大學(前稱懷雅遜大學)殘疾研究學院,得到學院邀請她為客座講師,又推薦給約克大學女權運動研究中心,讓中心任命她為「常駐倡議家」。在她於醫院留醫的一段頗長期間內,本會也與其他關注團體合力為她安排個人支援。病癒出院後,她一直埋頭苦讀,準備考取加拿大律師執業資格。
目錄 | Content |
背景 成立基金 三年簡報 捐助款項 籌款活動 陸耀輝的故事 | Background Announcement 3-Year Summary Making Donation Fundraising Activities Story of Joy Luk |
TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
After the brutal suppression of Tiananmen pro-democracy movement in 1989, about 400 activists were rescued out of China under the operation code-named Yellow Bird. People in Hong Kong did not hesitate a moment to offer their help, knowingly risking their lives and political repercussion.
In 2019, millions of brave Hong Kongers came out to fight for their freedom. The perseverance and unyielding spirit of the younger generation moved the whole world. This pro-democracy movement at the same time has caused them a steep price. Cases of suspicious deaths, disappearances, physical assaults and sexual assaults came to light one after the other. The calls for proper police investigations and fair court trials all have gone in vain. On July 1, 2020, the CCP’s National People’s Congress forcibly imposed the National Security Law in Hong Kong. Since then, the human rights situation in Hong Kong has deteriorated to a new low. Indiscriminate arrests, groundless prosecutions and hash sentences have shocked many around the world. A significant number of activists have chosen to flee Hong Kong, the place they love and have defended for, and have gone into exile overseas.

After the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, TADC have mobilized the community to provide support for close to 100 pro-democracy activists who fled China and successfully lobbied our Canadian government accepting more than 5000 Chinese scholars and students as permanent residents. Now, we must do the same and support the young Hong Kong activists who have gone exile.
Since the implementation of National Security Law, TADC has privately gathered donations to support some young activists. As the Hong Kong CCP government has recently tightened up their grip on the activists, more and more of them have no option but to go exile. We are therefore turning this private donation drive into a public fundraising appeal.
On December 22, 2020, Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC) announced the establishment of the TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund. The mission of the fund is to provide humanitarian assistance to people who fled or left Hong Kong to avoid political persecution. The initial scope of the fund will be to provide assistance to those who have arrived, or are arriving, in Ontario. These are predominantly underaged and young protesters who fled Hong Kong to escape persecution at home.
Donations to the Fund are accepted into an independent bank account, separating from the account for TADC operations. All board members are volunteers devoting their skills and precious time without compensation. All donations into the Fund are 100% towards supporting Hong Kongers in exile seeking new life in Canada. As the work is ongoing, we have not set a fundraising target but ask the community to contribute continuously at whatever way they can, both by monetary donation and by volunteering. The Fund will pull together all available resources to assist those in need.
3-Year Summary
First and foremost, many thanks to those who have contributed to the Humanitarian Fund during the last 3 years. Regrettably, timely reports on financial and operating details have not been released, due to TADC board members fully occupied with the cases, respecting personal privacy and maintaining a low profile under the radar,
TADC is grateful to all who have made financial donations to the Fund, particularly those who have made multiple donations in significant amounts, for their unconditional support and trust to our board members and core volunteers. This has been the biggest driving force and strongest encouragement to keep us going.
In addition to financial supports, our thanks also go to those who have contributed physical items and accommodations. Some have opened their homes for short-term accommodation or offered their rental units at reduced rates. Many others have sent in physical supplies, such as furniture, small appliances, kitchenware, to winter clothing and boots. To a person who has fled Hong Kong and arrived in Toronto without any belongings, some even after being exiled for months overseas, every piece of warm offering, no matter how small and trivial, is essential and worth more than its dollar value. TADC would not be able to accomplish the below without the generosity from any one of the good Samaritans.
At the end of the 3rd year of operation, we are grateful to see those who have received assistance through the Humanitarian Fund to have settled in Canada for their new lives. For all refugee applications, good news arrived no more than 18 months from submissions, with some in less than 12 months. The majority of these cases were approved by file reviews without facing judges in hearings. As of this report prepared in February 2024, all cases have been successful approved without any reject. For non-asylum applications, TADC were able to assist them to obtain the visas they applied for. The great success for all these cases should be attributed to the excellent services provided by the legal teams. All the team members were led by experienced and renowned lawyers in immigration and human rights practices. TADC and all activists would like to express our sincere thanks to all the lawyers who took time out of their busy schedules to provide professional assistance, analyzing every case in detail to support the application process with key information.

This is a brief summary since the announcement of the Fund in December 2020:
As of 2024-01-31 | |
Donations Collected | C$200,510 |
Assistance and Expenses | C$195,185 |
Available Balance | C$5,325 |
Number of Persons Assisted | 41 |
The above reported dollar amounts do not include donations-in-kind such as furniture and free-of-charge or discounted accommodation. The total amount would have been higher should market values of such items be included. |

Donations were mostly from Canada, with some from US, UK and elsewhere. Some donors have designated their donations to support specific activists.
Donations include C$21,401 raised from Ricker’s paintings for public auctions and private sales, his sales of 2022 calendars and other items. Amounts total to C$9,184 come from goods donated or offered for sales from TADC supporters which are sold through the web store CanHKer.ca.
TADC would like to express our special thanks to O’Shanter Development who has provided a few free-of-charge and discounted rental apartment units for activists. Market values of these offers should be in tens of thousands of dollars, which are not included in the report above. O’Shanter Development has been a kind-hearted and ethical corporate citizen, offering rent-free apartment units to needy refugees every year in the past many years.
Making Donation

As the political climate in Hong Kong is still chilling and sadly worsening, the work by the Humanitarian Fund does not stop here. TADC continues to offer assistance to those who are facing imminent political hardship in Hong Kong and have arrived in Canada to seek asylum. All our volunteers are dedicating their time and energy without compensation. Your generous donation to the Fund will be 100% in full for assisting Hong Kong activists who are in critical need settling in Canada.
If you wish to designate your donation to specific activists who have arrived in Canada and are in need of financial assistance, TADC will attempt to contact the designated persons as you wish. Your donated amount will be delivered to the designated persons anonymously in the name of the Humanitarian Fund.
Donation to the TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund can be made via the following ways:
- Interac eTransfer: from Canadian bank account for CAD only
Receiver email address [email protected] (auto-deposit enabled) PayPal donation: use credit card (PayPal account not needed)
Click the donation screenshot to donate in CAD or click here to donate in USD- Cheque or Money Order: Write on cheque “Humanitarian Fund”
Payable: Toronto Association for Democracy in China
Address: TADC, PO Box 90594, Cedar Heights, Scarborough, Ontario M1H3G7
Cheque or money order for amount in CAD or USD must be acceptable by Canadian banks. - Wire Transfer: please notify us by email on the transfer
Account Holder: Toronto Association for Democracy in China
Bank: Bank of Montreal
Institution: 001
Branch: 25592
Account: 1984566 (for donation in CAD)
Account: 4768294 (for donation in USD)
If you have an account at a Canadian bank, sending CAD via Interac e-Transfer will not incur bank charge for both of us. Anywhere around the world can send CAD or USD. When using PayPal or wire transfer, please add the PayPal service fee or $40 wire transfer fee charged to us.
Fundraising Activities

The Fund was kicked off with the kind support from the artist Ricker Choi. Aside from being an accomplished pianist, Ricker is also a talented painter. You may have seen his paintings on the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement through various channels. He offered his painting on the portrait of Agnes Chow as private sale to Pepper Wok Café for C$2000. The net proceeds became the first donation to the Humanitarian Fund.
Ricker also donated five of his paintings as fundraising items for public auction. They altogether raised C$3768 to the Humanitarian Fund. TADC is grateful for the generous support from the 5 winners, all those who had bid on the items and CanHKer.ca the web store providing the platform to carry out the auction.
Soon after, Ricker had more private sales of his original paintings. From the sales on reprints of his paintings, recordings of his piano performances, sheet music of his rearrangements and 2022 calendars featuring his paints, net proceeds altogether brought another C$15,839 to benefit the Hong Kong activists. TADC express our utmost thanks to Ricker’s dedication.

Many thanks to the web store CanHKer.ca providing an online-order platform. All items are fundraising for organizations who support Hong Kongers involved in the pro-democratic movement. The following items will benefit the TADC Humanitarian Fund.
- 敲鐘者言:朱耀明牧師回憶錄
- June 4 T-shirt 六四紀念T-恤
- Hong Kong Black Bauhinia Cap
- Hong Kong Add Oil Tattoo 香港加油紋身貼紙
- Free HK Flag 光時大旗
- Free HK Car Flag 光時車旗
- “Seeds of Freedom” + Tag 自由之籽帆布袋 + 掛牌
- 願憬明信片 Vision Postcards
- Glory To Hong Kong Postcard 榮光歸香港明信片
Revolution of Our Times video disc《時代革命》光碟《香港秘密行動》楊威利修著
The Story of the Blind Lawyer Joy Luk

You should have seen footages of a blind person appearing in middle of stand-offs between police and protesters, during the height of Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrations in 2019. Joy Luk, the first and only blind lawyer in Hong Kong, was helping to de-escalate heated situations and providing legal advises to protesters in cases of arrests. Although police has not laid any charge on her, she has been harassed and insulted by police officers in many occasions for acting as a mediator. The absurd action by the police has lingered to the tail-end of the movement on the scene of demonstrations and anywhere else, affecting her normal life to a point that she felt threatened on her personal safety.
Upon referral from a 3rd party of her intention to seek political asylum in Toronto, TADC accepted the request without hesitation. In addition to her bravery providing legal support to activists, her fight to overcome her own disability to be a lawyer and her advocacy on equal opportunity for all physically challenged in Hong Kong, Joy is no doubt a good fit to the Canadian value.
TADC welcomed a free-of-charge rental unit at an ideal location offered by the O’Shanter Development and donated furniture and household items by others to make the apartment unit a home. Many have offered their precious time to take turn caring for Joy during the initial period of arrival. With The Star and the Singtao Daily provided in-depth coverage two months after her arrival in Jan 2021, an outpour of support arrived from Canada, US and around the world. Many have donated to the Humanitarian Fund to support our work assisting more arriving activists. Some have designated their donations towards Joy’s living expenses, medical supplies and shipping of her belongings and equipment from Hong Kong. TADC referred her to the School of Disability Studies of the Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) which has invited her as guest lecturer, and to the Centre for Feminist Research of the York University which has appointed her as an “Activist in Residence”. TADC also collaborated with other concerned groups to provide personal support during her extended stay in hospital. Since her recovery from hospital, she has been studying hard to prepare for examinations to become a lawyer in Canada.
Joy said, “The Hong Kong government’s handling things in such a cold-blooded way since 2019 made me feel chilled to the heart. I have lived under the care of my mother for over 40 years, never thought of leaving her and my beloved hometown – Hong Kong. After careful consideration, I decided to go to Toronto by myself. The contrast between warmth and cold really was difficult to get used to. Fortunately, TADC has arranged a warm temporary residence and a team of volunteers to provide immediate medical care upon my arrival. Honestly, I was just a stranger to them. Their warm welcome has raised up my mood and brightened my thoughts, slowly allowing me to overcome this lonely, cold, and painful moment of separation from my mother. My multiple health issues has put a heavy burden on the Humanitarian Fund. Even with the prudent principle in allocation of funds, my medical care has been well taken care of. The fact that I can live and speak freely today is through the best wishes from all of you.”
She also said, “my settlement here is a gift from the Humanitarian Fund and your donations to the Fund in the last three years. I understand that there are still many friends in Hong Kong who are facing danger of various degrees. All we can do from outside is to continue to speak out for them and give them support. I plead for your continuous help through the Humanitarian Fund to our brothers and sisters in Hong Kong as well as those who have fled overseas. Also, we all should keep running towards where our hearts lead us. Every day we move forward will give a new day of hope not only to us but also to the comrades who are living a cold life behind bars. The darkness before dawn will eventually give way; the cold before spring will one day cease. Hong Kong will once again return to a warm and bright place.”
拍賣畫作 Auctioned Paintings
已成交拍賣的 Ricker Choi 畫作
Completed auction of Ricker Choi’s paintings

Sold price C$400 成交價

Sold price C$300 成交價

Sold price C$550 成交價

Sold price C$550 成交價

Sold price C$2380 成交價